RATING (out of 5 stars): 4 stars
COST: $18
THE SKINNY: I'm a sucker for lip gloss, and Smashbox's Lip Enhancing Gloss is a mighty fine addition to my collection. This lip gloss is light and airy but makes my lips super soft for hours. The color has just enough shimmer and holds up well over time, too.
This sample in the color "Baby Pout" came in a collection of lip products in various hues of pink. Baby Pout is way too pink and frosty for my fair skin -- it made my lips appear almost white, so I don't wear it out in public. Luckily, Smashbox offers the gloss in 23 other shades, both shimmering and sheer.
KEEP OR TOSS: Keep, but definitely in a different color.
CHECK IT OUT: Smashbox Lip Enhancing Gloss gets excellent reviews on the company's website.
-- Tested by Shay
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