COST: $4.79 for 7.8 ounces
THE SKINNY: You are so going to laugh at this one.
I don’t like something about the Crest Pro-Health toothpaste. It’s either the taste or that slightly gritty texture.
My dental hygienist loves Crest Pro-Health toothpaste. She swears by it. (The Crest website says the line is the “only leading toothpaste to protect all these areas dentists check most: cavities, gingivitis, plaque, sensitivity, tartar, whitening and fresh breath and it has a clinically proven active ingredient.")
So during my last visit, said hygienist convinced me to try the For Me line. It’s for kids, she explained with a laugh, but it tastes different than the adult version.
It does. It tastes better, more mellow that Crest’s standard mint flavor. And I think I really like it.
This fluoride toothpaste is made just for kids 8 to 12, according to the website, which also touts its “great, kid-friendly flavor.”
Is it a bad thing that I happen to think it tastes better than the adult version?
KEEP OR TOSS: Keep. It’s yummy and good for you, two things that are sometimes hard to find together.
CHECK IT OUT: Learn more about the options available for Crest Pro-Health toothpaste.
-- Tested by Shay
The pro-health makes my mouth molt.