Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Go Smile PM Toothpaste

RATING (out of 5 stars): 2 stars

COST: $30 for AM and PM package

THE SKINNY: Do you really need a special toothpaste before bed? That was the thought that went through my head when I opened a sample bag and found the tube of Go Smile PM Toothpaste.

And I think my instincts were right.

While the toothpaste is fine -- although a little grittier than when I am used to -- I am not sure why I need a special tube for PM. And I really could not tell any difference in the look or feel of my teeth after using it for a week.

Plus, this is one pricey paste compared to a couple bucks for Crest at the grocery or drug store.

KEEP OR TOSS: Keep but I won't go looking for more.

CHECK IT OUT: Go Smile is available at Ulta and also has an AM formula.

-- Tested by Carrie

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